Omgoodness!! I can’t believe it.... just tested a positive today!!!

The Almighty has the perfect planning I tell u! Right after I’ve reinstated my policy, I get this confirmation...
Technically I’ve only tested once and have yet to see the Gynae... just delaying it cos I think it’s still pretty early.. so perhaps maybe next week or the following?
But just a little concerned cos been getting cramps which I’ve read is ok cos it means the embryo is nesting itself nicely or something along those lines...
It’s the sudden pull of nerves that I get when I sneeze or when i flip sides on the bed...
I guess writing it out makes it look less worrying but I think maybe I should call the clinic to set up an appt soon just to be sure? Hmmmm....
So other than that, it’s just bad skin suddenly too.... messed up hormones I guess! Oh well...
Anything as long as all is going good........ can’t wait to find out how many wks old is this little tiny one!!!!
Got me reading back to when Don was baking and I would write the baby updates... will do it for this one too! Let’s pray all is well for now! Ameen....