Fucking pissed off!!!
Is she RETARDED OR WHAT!!!!!! Like seriously she's getting more n more on my nerves...
Frankly there were times when I got so angry that I wished she was dead (sorry God, but yes, this ungrateful rude daughter has wished that) but all those times, I caught myself right after and reversed that 'wish'..
Because death is permanent right. And deep deep down, I don't think I'm ready to lose another parent.
The freaking annoying thing is that she's like constantly trying to outdo her assholic character!
Bring her go holiday at a hotel that is $400/night, she complain this complain that.. then last day, say not bad, she likes.
Like seriously wtf! Senile or trying to act retarded! Seriously leh.... now that I write the word senile, I'm wondering if this is what it is!
Cos like why else would someone be like that,?????!
And like just now, a few mins ago..... she made me so pissed that I just gave up. Like why shld I fight with a crazy person. Will never and can never make sense..... had enough of that shouting match le.
Half of me wanna write out what happened but the other half doesn't want tt bad memory to be even written down n remembered..
But it involved the hubs and I'm so apologetic to him that he has to put up with a character like her.
Maybe it'll be 'easier' if she was outright diagnosed with mental issues... then one won't take as much offence?
Arghhh I sick n fed up alrdy la.... don't wanna type more.. just feel so bad towards hubs..
Hope he knows deep inside that she doesn't matter in our marriage. And all that anger towards her should never be brought into our marriage or vented on our child/children... easier said than done. But I hope he really tries... God help us please....