New President!
Aiyo..wanna write up some documents..
Just done with the hari raya cards, surfing the net, checking my emails, trying to change the season parking for car...Oh!! Haven check out facebook yet! So seldom online that when i do get on my computer, there's just sooooooooo many things to do!
Not forgetting that i've neglected this blog for kinda long too! Haizzz..
But these days im always just soooo tired! Nt sure if im losing interest in the things tt i have to do daily. Or is it because im just doing more stuff nowadays. Like staying up late or waking early. Or simply just doing stuff that im not comfortable with. So making tt extra effort on my part.. Maybe tts y im soo tired!
Anyhoos, Singapore just went to the polls for the 7th President.. And early this morning at 4.30am, the results were out. Dr Tony Tan is the chosen one.. The one for my generation now.. Hopes he does a good job! noO! a GREAT job... times ahead seems rocky.. Just hope he's wise and stable enough to bring spore to greater heights..
God Bless!!
kk, think i wanna go do a mask sleep le! hahah.. iknow.. quite abrupt right? But im getting tired.. haizz...what's new!/!? =p
Just done with the hari raya cards, surfing the net, checking my emails, trying to change the season parking for car...Oh!! Haven check out facebook yet! So seldom online that when i do get on my computer, there's just sooooooooo many things to do!
Not forgetting that i've neglected this blog for kinda long too! Haizzz..
But these days im always just soooo tired! Nt sure if im losing interest in the things tt i have to do daily. Or is it because im just doing more stuff nowadays. Like staying up late or waking early. Or simply just doing stuff that im not comfortable with. So making tt extra effort on my part.. Maybe tts y im soo tired!
Anyhoos, Singapore just went to the polls for the 7th President.. And early this morning at 4.30am, the results were out. Dr Tony Tan is the chosen one.. The one for my generation now.. Hopes he does a good job! noO! a GREAT job... times ahead seems rocky.. Just hope he's wise and stable enough to bring spore to greater heights..
God Bless!!
kk, think i wanna go do a mask sleep le! hahah.. iknow.. quite abrupt right? But im getting tired.. haizz...what's new!/!? =p