Let's talk abt the weather
Realised it's been awhile since i last typed something proper.
Well, been real busy at work. Financial year is coming to an end. And im sooOOoo damn bloodY close to getting myself tt recognition!!!!!! It's like soo close yet soo far!
THerefore working my ass off the past 1month plus. It actually has shown some results. My ass i mean.. Lost some more weight due to the lack of sleep and improper meal times.
Sighz..Still lack of that little more effort, little more luck and little more of everything good to acheive what im supposed to hit. It'll really be an achievement considering that i didnt have the FULL financial year to count as my production. So im achieving what others take 1year to achieve in less than 7mths!
Think im going mad!!!!!
But really hope these crazy working days for the nxt 2mths would result in me achieving something outstanding and impressing everyone!!! heheh..But more importantly to prove to my mum esp that im not wasting my time in this industry!! Well, wish me all the luck! Support me if u can too!!
Cos if considering the trend of the past months, this month is supposedly a 'bad' month for me. Which means that i wld miss whatever targets ive set for myself and usually under-perform. Pui to the bad months!!!
Getting sooooOOOo sick of doing great for one month then performing like crap the next! grrRrr...
Talking of sick...Cant tahan the weather these days man!!! SoooOo haZy!!! Irritating my throat and eyes.. If only i were still schooling!!! I would pray for such weathers man! In hope that they declare the PSI at an unhealthy level. So students are advised to stay indoors (home).
Used to hope the PSI would reach tt level. But it never did.. hahah..Dammit..But now that i wont benefit from whether the PSI level is, i wish it wasnt soooo bloody hazy. MAking me more sick than im already am. Which in this crucial point of time, i CANT BE SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh God, please let miracles happen to me for the next 2 months!!! I really need miracles... Oh God please!!!
Well, been real busy at work. Financial year is coming to an end. And im sooOOoo damn bloodY close to getting myself tt recognition!!!!!! It's like soo close yet soo far!
THerefore working my ass off the past 1month plus. It actually has shown some results. My ass i mean.. Lost some more weight due to the lack of sleep and improper meal times.
Sighz..Still lack of that little more effort, little more luck and little more of everything good to acheive what im supposed to hit. It'll really be an achievement considering that i didnt have the FULL financial year to count as my production. So im achieving what others take 1year to achieve in less than 7mths!
Think im going mad!!!!!
But really hope these crazy working days for the nxt 2mths would result in me achieving something outstanding and impressing everyone!!! heheh..But more importantly to prove to my mum esp that im not wasting my time in this industry!! Well, wish me all the luck! Support me if u can too!!
Cos if considering the trend of the past months, this month is supposedly a 'bad' month for me. Which means that i wld miss whatever targets ive set for myself and usually under-perform. Pui to the bad months!!!
Getting sooooOOOo sick of doing great for one month then performing like crap the next! grrRrr...
Talking of sick...Cant tahan the weather these days man!!! SoooOo haZy!!! Irritating my throat and eyes.. If only i were still schooling!!! I would pray for such weathers man! In hope that they declare the PSI at an unhealthy level. So students are advised to stay indoors (home).
Used to hope the PSI would reach tt level. But it never did.. hahah..Dammit..But now that i wont benefit from whether the PSI level is, i wish it wasnt soooo bloody hazy. MAking me more sick than im already am. Which in this crucial point of time, i CANT BE SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh God, please let miracles happen to me for the next 2 months!!! I really need miracles... Oh God please!!!