Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tagboard missing!!!

How is it that i cant see the right column of my blog?!?!?!?

Where's my tagboard!!!?!?

Dun tell me it's time to change my layout?? =_=??

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Q&A session

Out of total boredom, im about to do something soooOOo primary-schoolish. A question and answer blog entry.

I know. I told u i was bored wat! Waiting for my nxt appt... Sleepy like hell!! *yawnz*

Q : What is your status?
A : Offline. heheh...single la single la!

Q : What were you doing 5 minutes ago?
A : surfing sites

Q : What are your fave sports?
A : basketball

Q : Do you cry most of the time you have problems?
A : It really depends how bad tt problem is. But usually no. (i think)

Q : Did you have a fight with sumone today?
A : No. Im a peace-loving person. =)

Q : What are your fave subjects?
A : English. MAths. Science. Primary sch standard pls.

Q : Who cheers u up d most in your life?
A : hmm....this is a toughie. Hard to pin-point a single person. I guess my friends all play a part in cheering me up at times..

Q : Do u like to chat?
A : Depending on my mood. I dun mind talking. But since my job requires me to talk SooOOO much, i sometimes prefer to just listen instead.

Q : Last chat with
A : Tracy

Q : Do you like to laugh?
A : Hmmm....Like to???? No la..perhaps just tend to laugh easily. Easily amused. heheh..

Q : Last message from? What's about?
A : Client. Msged to say tt she's here le!!!!

okok...last question before i go..

Q : Do you have sumthing you must do right now?
A : SLEEP!!!!

Hmm...this primary schoolish activity can be quite fun..hehhe.. Tata for now!!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Im sick!!

Think i puked my entire stomach out last night man!! nono...make tt early monday morning..

Gang, any of you aso sick from eating the cockles/fish??

Oh man, feeling soooo sooooooOOO damn lousy now! Weak and everything! THis is not the first time i got this middle-of-the-night-puking session le!

Funny thing is i can actually foretell that im gonna puke! Was feeling weird on sunday before i slept. But pushed it aside cos i had many plans for the nxt day. And who knows!! Puked like 3 times through the night!

Giddy like hell the nxt morning. Ended up postponing all my appts. Gave me boss alot of trouble cos monday was aso the last day of the promo. period. tsk TSk!

It's only when one gets sick that one appreciates good health.

Just for notes, i lOST 2 kgs man!! hhehehhe... TWO freaking kgs! =P

bye for now...still giddy and blur....