Monday, August 29, 2005


Have you ever gone through a day when you just feel sooo damn bloody lethargic?

Argghh..Don't you just hate that! Esp on days when you HAVE to get moving around and there's no way you can rot at home. Just feels soooo ~bleh~ if you get what i mean..

-10mins later-

Wow...It's pouring outside!! Haven had rain in the night for quite awhile now. mmm.. Feels good. Just adds on to the feeling of not wanting to do anything! hehhe..

k, if u're a guy and u're reading this..maybe you'll like to stop reading the rest of the entry now. It's more of a girl's thing im gonna write. So can S-T-O-P reading the entry noW.


Alright now. Girls, don't you just HATE it when you get a pimple outbreak before your period comes? If you have never experienced that before, LUCKY YOU! If you have at least once, i guess u share my sorrow.

After months of having skin which actually look half decent due to extra care and effort (plus dun forget MONEY spent on those skin care products) into maintaining, this blooody period (no pun intended) just HAD to come and mess up my hormonal balance and thus resulting in a breakout!

Dammit man! Been looking like a pimpled-face, in-midst-of-puberty secondary schoold kid for the past few days!! &^%%*%&&

Luckily no big function to attend ..Irritating la..

No joke ok.. Just hate pimple outbreaks laH! It's like once you get the 2nd one popping out after the first, THAt's IT MAN! No matter how u try to prevent more from coming, nothing works!

Weird thing is even though you maintain your normal eating habits, face washing regime or whats not, such things happen! Hormones i tell you. Hormones!

Baseline: Hate it when period comes !

As if the normal goes-about of it is not troublesome enough!

k la, got to go wash my pimpley face now!