Burning memories
Past few days were kinda interesting. The activities took a bit off my mind from the daily battle that goes on inside--on whether to work or to go study..
Anyhooz..Friday(5/8/05) was my frappy's (aka daddy!!) bday!

That's the cake we bought him! Looks like it's on fire though!! =P
My frappy sure is getting older..I wish my frappy dearie good health and happiness always!!!
Then on saturday we went to JB for dinner..
On monday, i went for a bbq dinner thingy at my sister-in-law's place! no, wait..bEFORE the dinner, my brother brought me to get burnt!! he tricked me to go flying with him!
No dear, of cos not flying as in FLYING! We went to fly his plane..In the bloody hot afternoon sun if i might add.

[Though it doesnt look all that sunny..DUN BE FOOLED!!]
There's the plane in the background. Cool eh..
Cant believe there are sooo many people who are actually seriously passionate abt flying planes man!
Overall it was fun. Luckily there was this airy big party tent (will try to get a pix of it) to shade me from the sun. Unfortunately, the sun still managed to get me!
Bottom line is...now im BURNT!!
SUN super powerful nowadays i tell u!!
Oh yah, so after the sun-burning session..went to grab a few things before heading off to my sister-in-law's place. Food was great..mm..nothing out of the ordinary to talk abt...
But bro ended up tooo tired to send me and me sis home. Thus we decided to spend the night at her place. It was a VERY interesting night!
We slept pretty early (ard 11pm) because i was honestly dead tired already! Fell asleep to music being played on the cd player downstairs. Then somehow ard 1am i was awaken by weird array of songs!!
Turns out sister-in-law's brother and his few friends were like having a karaoke session! It was sooo loud that even with the doors closed, i could still hear them upstairs man!!
But luckily their guitar playing and song choice was pretty good! They sang like one song after another. Non-stop..with the guitarist(no idea whom) playing chords in between to link the songs up. They sang and sang and sang....
Somewhere during their huge repertoire, i managed to drift back to sleep only to be rudely awaken agAIN ard 3am to them singing(or rather bellowing)
'Stand up for singapore. Do the best you can. Reach out for ur fellow man..........'
Then followed right after by
'We are singapore..we are singapore..we will stand together, hear the lions roar......'
[one idiot actually roared at this part! i tried so hard to stop my laughter that i ended up giving a little snort]
-hysterical laughter in between-
'We, the citizens of singapore ..pledge ourselves as one united people......'
Me: .........
Talk about being patriotic! 3am in the morning man!!
But no hard feelings la..All in the name of good fun!
Then after mad laughter from them, they went on singing other songs...From Hotel California to Dayong Sampan..From Country Road to Popeye the Sailor man(cant believe they actually KNOW THE LYRICS TO THAT WHOLE SONG!!!!!).... The concert went on and on and on....
Then spent National Day being burnt in the hot sun again(went to fly plane again)! The 'burning sensation' reminded me of 2yrs back when i was involved in the parade. Of how i also got burnt to 2nd degree even before the parade started. It also reminded me of Alden's equally red face! (de jevu entry eh?haha..)
So anyway, planned to go watch the fireworks with a buddy of mine in the night but ended up not going cos both of us were toooo tired. And i felt toooo burnt to warm-up to the idea of being pushed among tons of people (was planning to go to esplanade) and having to squeeze in the mrt to get hm [get the joke? heheh....burnt,warm-up? hehhHEHE....] -.-
So watched parade from home, was drifting in between dreamland and reality halfway through the parade..Woke up seeing the colored potato chips dancing on tv and was fully awake during the fireworks display. Oh, one can NEVER get bored of fireworks i tell u! Love the Gold Dust best!! ahhhhh -sighz-
Happy 40th birthday Singapore!!!
Anyhooz..Friday(5/8/05) was my frappy's (aka daddy!!) bday!

That's the cake we bought him! Looks like it's on fire though!! =P
My frappy sure is getting older..I wish my frappy dearie good health and happiness always!!!
Then on saturday we went to JB for dinner..
On monday, i went for a bbq dinner thingy at my sister-in-law's place! no, wait..bEFORE the dinner, my brother brought me to get burnt!! he tricked me to go flying with him!
No dear, of cos not flying as in FLYING! We went to fly his plane..In the bloody hot afternoon sun if i might add.

[Though it doesnt look all that sunny..DUN BE FOOLED!!]
There's the plane in the background. Cool eh..
Cant believe there are sooo many people who are actually seriously passionate abt flying planes man!
Overall it was fun. Luckily there was this airy big party tent (will try to get a pix of it) to shade me from the sun. Unfortunately, the sun still managed to get me!
Bottom line is...now im BURNT!!
SUN super powerful nowadays i tell u!!
Oh yah, so after the sun-burning session..went to grab a few things before heading off to my sister-in-law's place. Food was great..mm..nothing out of the ordinary to talk abt...
But bro ended up tooo tired to send me and me sis home. Thus we decided to spend the night at her place. It was a VERY interesting night!
We slept pretty early (ard 11pm) because i was honestly dead tired already! Fell asleep to music being played on the cd player downstairs. Then somehow ard 1am i was awaken by weird array of songs!!
Turns out sister-in-law's brother and his few friends were like having a karaoke session! It was sooo loud that even with the doors closed, i could still hear them upstairs man!!
But luckily their guitar playing and song choice was pretty good! They sang like one song after another. Non-stop..with the guitarist(no idea whom) playing chords in between to link the songs up. They sang and sang and sang....
Somewhere during their huge repertoire, i managed to drift back to sleep only to be rudely awaken agAIN ard 3am to them singing(or rather bellowing)
'Stand up for singapore. Do the best you can. Reach out for ur fellow man..........'
Then followed right after by
'We are singapore..we are singapore..we will stand together, hear the lions roar......'
[one idiot actually roared at this part! i tried so hard to stop my laughter that i ended up giving a little snort]
-hysterical laughter in between-
'We, the citizens of singapore ..pledge ourselves as one united people......'
Me: .........
Talk about being patriotic! 3am in the morning man!!
But no hard feelings la..All in the name of good fun!
Then after mad laughter from them, they went on singing other songs...From Hotel California to Dayong Sampan..From Country Road to Popeye the Sailor man(cant believe they actually KNOW THE LYRICS TO THAT WHOLE SONG!!!!!).... The concert went on and on and on....
Then spent National Day being burnt in the hot sun again(went to fly plane again)! The 'burning sensation' reminded me of 2yrs back when i was involved in the parade. Of how i also got burnt to 2nd degree even before the parade started. It also reminded me of Alden's equally red face! (de jevu entry eh?haha..)
So anyway, planned to go watch the fireworks with a buddy of mine in the night but ended up not going cos both of us were toooo tired. And i felt toooo burnt to warm-up to the idea of being pushed among tons of people (was planning to go to esplanade) and having to squeeze in the mrt to get hm [get the joke? heheh....burnt,warm-up? hehhHEHE....] -.-
So watched parade from home, was drifting in between dreamland and reality halfway through the parade..Woke up seeing the colored potato chips dancing on tv and was fully awake during the fireworks display. Oh, one can NEVER get bored of fireworks i tell u! Love the Gold Dust best!! ahhhhh -sighz-
Happy 40th birthday Singapore!!!
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