Graduation ceremony
IM CURSED!!!! Everytime i tell anybody about ANY of MY plans, like MY plan for the week or MY plan for a particular day, it will end up NOT happening!!!
It's really a tried-and-tested thing i tell u! I realised the phenomenon a few years back (yes! This 'thing' didnt just start recently!!). But in the past month or so, The 'Thing' has worsen!!
So therefore dear friend of mine as u read this, please do not ever ask me for my plans about anything anymore. Freaky man!! And also BEcAuSe of this curse, i will refrain from blogging abt any upcoming events and only do so after. Sooo Sorry!
But Luckily, there was an abundance of happenings around me the past week to talk abt.
Let's start with pictures from my Graduation Ceremony on 11th July 2005.

jo was actually just testing her camera while i was the picture target thus the dumb pose!

k, now tts me with my scroll!
Alrighty, among the tONS!! of pictures taken tt day, i wld only post up certain ones here..All pix which features Me + another person will not be put up due to space shortage.
moving right along, we have....

my fyp supervisor, Dr Lim and my project partner, joanne
Hard-earned Diploma!!
After crazy report writing for FYP

After 3years of exams, tests AND report writing!!

me and jona
I love this TSO man! She can be soo funny at times! Sometimes very playful for someone her age too! Love her good friend, Goh Weiling too! That gal is also another person i need to give credit for the smooth completion of my FYP.
Ooo,funny story i GOT to share! After collecting my scroll from stage, i was on the way back to my seat and had to pass a whole row of TSOs who i simply adore(not all though~ hhhehe..). Anyway as i walked past, they all started shaking hands with me.. congratulating and all... Point to note though was that the people infront and behind me DID NOT receive such treatment! hahhaa..
Am i good or am i good? hahhah...For a moment it felt as if i were the top student or something! :P my partner said she received the same treatment too!! What to do? All the TSOs simply love us la~ right jo? ;)

here's my gang + the other gang from 3F08= 90% of the gals of the class!hhehe

Glad to have found this bunch of friends! Love them to bits..

Presenting Crappygang with the TOP STUDENT of biotech!! *bows down in respect*
For 3 years i have felt this way...
dun u think

look like

can see the resemblance there? man..uncanny resemblance right? the nose..cheeks........mmmmmmm
[author's postnote: the elmer fudd look-alike i was refering to was DR Forday..Not joanne. No way i could crop the pix without any part of jo's head in it so Jo Stays..hehhe]
Anyway after the ceremony, the gang decided to go home for a change of clothes and some rest before meeting up for dinner. Dinner was as usual filled with laughter. We went to Sakae Sushi.
There we got split into threes to sit at 2 tables. Thereby starting the 'counting plate war'! There were 2 category to compete in. The 'Individual'- category and the 'Combined Table'-category.
For my table, there was eliza,ash and of cos me. Right away, the other 2 eliminated me as a competitor for the 'Individual' category!!! arrghhh!!
I felt i could do it and prove them wrong...
but after 5 plates..

yupyup..i was on the verge of puking! next time ash and time i'll beat u with my record!!!
oooo,if u're drinking water's a warning before u look at the next pic! Finish drinking first...

whAHHAHAH..ugliest pose ever taken of monica!! Ohh boy...she's sooooo gonna kill me. But by the time she reads this, she'll probably be toooo far away(in perth) to inflict any physical damage on me! ppbbthhh....teeheehee~
To end this super long entry, here's the new haircut of Ash Tie Wan Jun

super freaking short ah!!!!! what were u thinking ash? what were u thinking huh huh huh?!?!?
Anyhoos, will end here.. Will update abt another little outing the gang had asap.
It's really a tried-and-tested thing i tell u! I realised the phenomenon a few years back (yes! This 'thing' didnt just start recently!!). But in the past month or so, The 'Thing' has worsen!!
So therefore dear friend of mine as u read this, please do not ever ask me for my plans about anything anymore. Freaky man!! And also BEcAuSe of this curse, i will refrain from blogging abt any upcoming events and only do so after. Sooo Sorry!
But Luckily, there was an abundance of happenings around me the past week to talk abt.
Let's start with pictures from my Graduation Ceremony on 11th July 2005.

jo was actually just testing her camera while i was the picture target thus the dumb pose!

k, now tts me with my scroll!
Alrighty, among the tONS!! of pictures taken tt day, i wld only post up certain ones here..All pix which features Me + another person will not be put up due to space shortage.
moving right along, we have....

my fyp supervisor, Dr Lim and my project partner, joanne
Hard-earned Diploma!!
After crazy report writing for FYP

After 3years of exams, tests AND report writing!!

me and jona
I love this TSO man! She can be soo funny at times! Sometimes very playful for someone her age too! Love her good friend, Goh Weiling too! That gal is also another person i need to give credit for the smooth completion of my FYP.
Ooo,funny story i GOT to share! After collecting my scroll from stage, i was on the way back to my seat and had to pass a whole row of TSOs who i simply adore(not all though~ hhhehe..). Anyway as i walked past, they all started shaking hands with me.. congratulating and all... Point to note though was that the people infront and behind me DID NOT receive such treatment! hahhaa..
Am i good or am i good? hahhah...For a moment it felt as if i were the top student or something! :P my partner said she received the same treatment too!! What to do? All the TSOs simply love us la~ right jo? ;)

here's my gang + the other gang from 3F08= 90% of the gals of the class!hhehe

Glad to have found this bunch of friends! Love them to bits..

Presenting Crappygang with the TOP STUDENT of biotech!! *bows down in respect*
For 3 years i have felt this way...
dun u think

look like

can see the resemblance there? man..uncanny resemblance right? the nose..cheeks........mmmmmmm
[author's postnote: the elmer fudd look-alike i was refering to was DR Forday..Not joanne. No way i could crop the pix without any part of jo's head in it so Jo Stays..hehhe]
Anyway after the ceremony, the gang decided to go home for a change of clothes and some rest before meeting up for dinner. Dinner was as usual filled with laughter. We went to Sakae Sushi.
There we got split into threes to sit at 2 tables. Thereby starting the 'counting plate war'! There were 2 category to compete in. The 'Individual'- category and the 'Combined Table'-category.
For my table, there was eliza,ash and of cos me. Right away, the other 2 eliminated me as a competitor for the 'Individual' category!!! arrghhh!!
I felt i could do it and prove them wrong...
but after 5 plates..

yupyup..i was on the verge of puking! next time ash and time i'll beat u with my record!!!
oooo,if u're drinking water's a warning before u look at the next pic! Finish drinking first...

whAHHAHAH..ugliest pose ever taken of monica!! Ohh boy...she's sooooo gonna kill me. But by the time she reads this, she'll probably be toooo far away(in perth) to inflict any physical damage on me! ppbbthhh....teeheehee~
To end this super long entry, here's the new haircut of Ash Tie Wan Jun

super freaking short ah!!!!! what were u thinking ash? what were u thinking huh huh huh?!?!?
Anyhoos, will end here.. Will update abt another little outing the gang had asap.
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