Friday, September 06, 2019

Happy 6mths baby Rou! + Part 2 of 6.3.19!

Wow oh wow!!! Baby girl is SIX MONTHS old today!!!

Guilty for not giving her extra kisses and more than usual squeezes today! Lesser fanfare compared to Don’s 6mths 🙈

But no lesser in love for my dear Rou Rou.... she is really a blessing to have in our family.

An awesome compliment to her over-depending elder brother.

It’s beautiful how she’s so happy to see or even hear his voice! I badly wanna remember her look of happiness when she first hears him In the morning! 

Hope this love continues for a looooooooong time from now......

So actually Part 2 of 6th March is pretty short la..., purposely waited till this special day to post this.

Cos to me, the first 6months of a baby’s life is sooooo fragile (not saying that it’s all easy peasy from here).

But when they’re that young and tiny, so many things can go wrong. 

We’ve been very blessed with her and everything about her!

Alhamdulilah!! Like seriously Alhamdulilah THANK YOU GOD!

So 6th March, part 2—> 

I rmb just feeling so tired after baby came out. Like it was getting harder n harder to keep my eyes open. 

At this point, wp has left with the baby. Then someone told me to just rest and that I’m being stitched up.

Think they drugged me and I KO... best sleep I had! 

I need to digress.... so far I’ve been drugged- induced KO 3 times. And I tell u, the feeling is pretty amazing!

The drifting off feels helpless actually but when u wake up, it’s like u remember nothing!

It was as if time went by but u have no idea for how long and what happened.

No interruption of dreams or that feeling of slight exhaustion when u wake up from a nap or in the morning.

But then again, all 3 times I woke up to quite abit of pain la... ohh, except the 1st time for d&c... tt was the most not painful of the 3! Hahah...

Ok, let me get back:

So thank God again that this time I woke up not blind and fully aware of where I am!

But I was feeling super weak and very very giddy. I rmb telling wp that I was very tired and him replying “then you go sleep la”

Chey! No kiss on the forehead or a hug to say 辛苦你了!

Now I think back, even when in the OT, he didn’t even kiss me when baby came out! He was sooooo engrossed with the bum! 😤😡

No good job bb or how are u feeling bb.... pui!

This recollection post is bringing up some bad memories now! Hahah....

Anyway the whole of 6th was pretty much in and out of sleep and feeling super weak. I rmb not even having much strength to talk... think pressure was still high too...

But by day 2.5-3..... all I can say is that I’m super amazed by the human body!

The first stand was waaaaaaaaaay more awful than in 2015! Pain de me

Think in many things, the pain factor was worse this time round!

Even throughout the pregnancy. Then the rEcovery after birth was more painful too!

Age? Size? Hmmm.....

Anyway I’m really blessed that somehow the hubs n I managed to settle don throughout the duration that I was in hospital.

And how Don was pretty ok with the whole thing...

Though just for records, he’s now really against us having a third kid. He says that 1 sibling is enough! 😂😂😂

His reason: cos if have 1 more didi/meimei, then no one to carry me! 

Hahahhahahhahaha...... my Son ah my Son!

Love my 2 babies soooooo much! Thank you God for the both of them! And thank You for my capable hubs too!