Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Perseids Meteor Shower 2019 (failed sightings attempt)

Just came back from a 2.30am star gazing adventure with Don!

My heart is full and grateful to be able to make this (super fail attempt) middle of the night car ride with him.

After days of enduring his loud rowdy behaviour and crankiness because he’s sick, this half hr was nice because he was half sleepy half angelic and mostly cute. 💕

So even though

  • the lights were too bright to see the stars properly
  • There were many clouds present
  • I dun even know if we’re looking in the correct direction! 🙈

It was nice to hold his hand as I stood outside the car, looking up into the sky... cool night breeZe blowing....

Even though shortly into our wait, the dear boy said “why no stars?? Let’s go home” 😅😂

I really enjoyed his company. Cos he was QUIET mostly! Hahaha... reminded me of his younger (cuter) self! 

There goes my intention of making some wishes on those shooting stars............. 💫