Storyteller Don
Of recent weeks, don has ‘grown up’ quite abit...
He yakes so much and can go on for sooooo long about something funny he saw or heard.
And when ure busy with a nb and/or just plain lazy sometimes, the easiest way to entertain a toddler is to just let him speak! 😬
(In fact the same method works for adults! Haha... the key factor here is that you must look “interested”)
So now he likes to do this whole re-enactment of certain parts of a movie or cartoon he has watched.. and he can go on and on and on and on...
And he’s like so serious about it most times you know! So serious about getting the story across that it’s so cute and funny! 😅
Usually I will feed his story telling ego by looking soooo engrossed and even asking relevant questions excitedly....
but suddenly now at 5am, I’m wondering if I’m doing him a disfavour by harnessing his lo-so skills???
Will he grow up to be a chong-hei uncle (like mr E)?!??!! 😳
This boy’s EQ doesn’t look strong at this point too.... 😂
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