Sunday, October 17, 2010

Countdown: 1mth 10days

Had a very bleh day... Bought some makeup and painted my nails.. So had kind of a nice pamper-myself evening...

Now mind back at work.. Left about 1mth 10days before the end of financial year 2010.. Im starting to freeak out more.. Cos still far from target!! Ok be honest with the double credit thing, hope still seems there.

This is exactly what i was hoping, praying and waiting for! Just wish that the range of plans under the campaign was more than just those 2.. But at this stage, i'll accept anything.. Any double credit is better than none!

But guess even if achieve MDC, the pay aso lup sup.. So hopefully can achieve the original amount. Best can hit the 35k bonus tier.

Ok, to those not in the company, the above is just a whole load of bla bla blah...So do just ignore this entry cos it's just me ranting on and stressing out over the target..

About $15000 left.. Can i do it?? mmmmm.....