Goodbye 2018.. Hello 2019!!!
Here it is again! The very last day of the year— 2018!
Frankly it’s really a love-hate thing doing this.
Because how do u summarise a whole year of things, written in minutes all in 1 post without missing out something?
Think I’ve said this many times before, but this year really did go by soooooo quick! Realised esp ever since the arrival of Don, time feels like its flying by!
Ok ok to be fair, some days are looooong but the months and year are short!
Like I can’t believe how Donnie boy has attended a whole year of preschool! Haha, actually minus-ing off all his MCs (fake n real), I doubt he’s even attended 10months! But i digress.... hahaha....
So anyway yes, 1st year of his schooling experience + childcare illnesses battles took up a pretty good amount of time in early 2018! I vaguely remember complaining abt it even till March? Or was it June? Haha...
Let’s see how we should do this year’s reflections...... hmmmm......
Starting with this because whether I like it or not, this category affects a lot of things in our lives. It’s what supplements our lifestyles and the reason behind some of our most emo moments when things aren’t really going smoothly.
Sales this year has been..... hmm... Guess there was its ups and downs... can’t rmb due to what challenge or something, the 1st quarter seemed better than usual. Then only ard the 3rd quarter, dropped abit more than usual cos was in 1s trimester.
But it’s really thanks to the Glory of God that a miracle happened the last few weeks that allowed me to actually clear Gold again!
The full detail of it IS really prove that divine intervention was in play! Still amazed by it.....
Very very thankful and humbled by how God is watching out for me...
So yes, work in 2018 has generally been smooth.. :)
Or at least it ended smoothly.. premiums brought in were a little higher.. cases a little lesser than ideal... some things to go work and review on in the early days of Jan.
2019 will once again be a whole new ball game once baby comes in March! God bless!!! 🤣
Technically baby #2 is still baking as this is written..
We found out quite early this time round.. morning sickness was bad so July august were really lousy sales months too..
Then we had a scare (or at least I did) when readings for Down Syndrome didn’t appear as comfortable a level as I wanted.
So we spent another $1k+ for the Harmony test just to be sure. Thank God that came out negative for DS!
As what I’ve been complaining in the usual baby updates, the many body pains this time round started earlier than expected.
This week is wk28.. so officially into 3rd trimester! 😰😱😱😱
Really is 😱 cos baby came during a busy and stressful time (at work). So 2nd tri went by pretty quickly.. kept telling myself that I will start on clearing the house n baby prep stuff as soon as I clear the shortfall
Hmph, that took longer than expected.. end of Dec le.. now then got chance to settle house stuff.
Tts a whole other topic! Hah!
But ya, so far so good... checkup on thurs. Got a feel that GD is on the books this time round too... oh can’t wait for that news on thurs! 😪🙄
Don’t think it will be any time soon that I’ll say it’s not a learning-in-process with managing a family with a child (plural of that soon! 😨😰)
Every year as don gets older it’s just a new challenge or phase that we learn how to manage.
But I think this year it was quite a test on the hub’s n my relationship because of the differences in our views of discipline and also majorly our temper management!
A toddler’s temperaments and irritability can really push one to the limits! So add in the hub’s quick temper = loud shouting matches on one too many occasions than I would like.
Guess it’s one of those parenting things we must learn and discuss about as we go along. But I’m really glad it’s with this hubs that I’m doing this with. Because at least he’s willing to try and he really does help.
2019 will definitely be a new challenge to us both in terms of our relationship as well as parenting. Or at least once meimei comes along! Once again, may God guide us through!
Bless us with patience (lots of it!), energy, wisdom and ample love for each other to pull through all the craziness that will come along! 🙏🏼💕
As for my relationship with mummy, pls just don’t let it get any worse.. it’s to the point of hopelessness as of today! Haha.. so God bless for that too!
I guess nothing majorly wrong this year... but just need to get healthier la... both the hubs and myself! Both getting too fat....
That’s an aim for 2019! Mainly to eat healthier too.... have to le la... getting older.. machinery is breaking down.
Don’t take more care sure will see problems arising soon!
More effort and better time management needed!
Ok, left with about 1hr to midnight but running out of mental juice to draft anything more... it’s been a tiring day cos this boy is nuts!
Must have rubbed off the craziness from his cousins the last few days! 🤦🏼♀️
Will end with some prayers and hopes for 2019:
- good health for everyone around me
- Abundance of wealth for the delivery and to handle everything else that comes along in 2019 PLUS spare!
- Smoothness at work and ease of maintaining Gold for the year
- Tighter relationship with the hubs and the rest of the family
I bet something more brilliant will come to mind later after I have posted this but this will have to do for now...
Time to make the monkey sleep!
Goodbye 2018.... hello 2019!!!
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