Saturday, November 03, 2018

Messed Up Pregnancy Hormones

I guess prenatal depression is more real than i thought...

Because at this moment, I’m sooooo upset and annoyed by you that I’m crying myself to sleep and having all sorts of silly thoughts...

I’m just so fed up with your rubbish temper and lack of control over your emotions.....

Don’t understand what is wrong with you these days... you lose your temper so easily! And who gets it? Your poor son and me......

Every relationship has a weakness.... I tell u, the one with ours will be our temper.

I hold back cos I hate conflict more than being right. I hate it when we quarrel. That’s y I let u be..

Be these few days....... Wah, small small big big also I tio! Fucking hell, I thght I was the one with the pregnancy hormones?!?!

Seriously some days, like today..... I’ve hit breaking point..... 

I’m beyond upset now.... at 1am, crying like I am... crying not out of anger... mainly hurt and sadness....

haizzzz I’m sooo gonna end up with swollen eyes tmr..... fuck la...... arghhhh