Hell Weeks have arrived
The hell weeks are here!!!! Been dreading this few weeks since December!!

What’s hell week?
It’s when the hubs starts reservist for 2 weeks! Then shortly after he’s going to bkk for work and then it’s cny!
All that while trying to clear off the remaining 9k FYP for Berlin! And u know how God wants us to challenge ourselves right? I’m now SicK as well! 🤒
I actually have other content that I wanna post but time is limited and i just wanna relax awhile before I got to get off my ass to do more stuff.
So just to document, today is Day1... I managed to get the crying boy off his pillow by telling him that he gets to ride in this toy car they have at school. And that he can go to the bird park in it.
👩🏽: u get to sit your car and go to the bird park. We don’t have that kind of car at home. So that’s y u need to go to school. Ok?
👦🏻: bird park 😊
👩🏽: ya bird park... or do u want to drive to the zoo?
👦🏻: nooo... Bird. Park.
👩🏽: ok, let’s hurry.. u need to drive your friends to the bird park too..
👦🏻: happily obliged
Such pure innocence.. not looking forward to the time when he understands the shit that I’m bluffing him with! 😂
When that time comes, I hope my negotiation skills have improved tremendously! Hahah...
Just a random picture for memory sake....
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