Saturday, November 25, 2017

Emo Nights

Haiz... random thoughts going through my messy hormonal mind the past few hours...
And once again,  I blame—- HORMONES!
(Gonna be totm soon... so ya... haizz)

Feeling damn emo also cos the usual end of FY stress la... actually this year is pretty much the best if I’m gonna compare to recent years..

Just because a few cases didn’t go according to plan, I’m currently still short of about $100+... yes not 1000+ but 100+... 🤦🏼‍♀️

Ok la, of cos I’m MORE than happy that it’s only 2 zero! But it’s so lame cos by right whatever that came in should have cleared the 40k swee swee... bleh

So yes, this is one irritating thing on my mind now..

Then hormonal mind decided to self-pity when I saw shaf going out just now.. dressed nicely, heels, perfume and all... 
Once upon a time, I was that.... hahah, ok la.. who am I kidding! More like trying to look good..
Actually come to think back, I really didn’t like going out once I’ve reached home..
Cos stay in wlds right, so far from everywhere else!

Back then going out at 9+ usually meant going for drinks.. so won’t drive. But cab fare there n back would easily cost $50.. wasted no grab/uber then..
Maybe I would have had more of a night life.

Anyway so ya, got quite emo cos Friday Saturday nights no longer = out having fun.... we don’t really have a social life these days...
Mostly I’m fine... tell you already, bloody hormones!!! Arghhh....

Logical me wants to whack the emo messed up me!  👊🏼

Then as I was making Don sleep a short while ago, suddenly recalled the day we brought him back from the hospital..

Can you believe it— we didn’t even pack a proper hospital bag! Yes, he came suddenly and 2 weeks early... but man, we were so unprepared!
We didn’t even prepare clothes and the blanket to bring this baby home! Quite embarrassed to even type this out! Haha..

We used some gifted clothes and bought some swaddle blanket from the mothercare at the hospital.. so unwashed and all, we brought our dear boy back in our version of style!

I suddenly thought abt this because many times, hubs and I find ourselves challenged or caught in tough times, but somehow, with God’s grace of cos, we manage to pull through..........
Somehow we manage to make things work out.... somehow we manage to find the extra cash...... somehow we manage to get something done.....
Somehow we manage................

Tough and emotional as hell, but God always helps us through... at least so far, He has been loving us enough to make things work! Haha Alhamdulilah!!!!

But I guess that’s marriage isn’t it? 2 people supporting each other.... God’s grace..

Hubs been such a strong pillar all these while too.... I break down so openly (and often) yet till now, I’ve only seen him break down a very few times...
So guilty for all the mental stress he must be going/have gone through.... some days I wish I can hear what’s going on in his mind... esp on the days when he gets real quiet.... 

Aiyah, here I go again... rambling on...

Ok la, think I should just go to sleep now... nothing solves emo nights than sleep.. sleep le then don’t need to think/feel...
But hubs is not back from appt yet..... haizz... sleep and wait? 🤔