Tuesday, May 30, 2017

2days.... 5k....

2nd last day before the closing for LA convention.....

I'm panicky because all the shit that can go wrong is going wrong.....really can't escape Murphy's law man!
Every single time in rushing in stuff for some dateline, all kind of unimaginable shit just happens!

Like for example, as if we weren't stressed enough alrdy, this happened 👇🏾

A lorry just made a lack of lane discipline boo-boo and my whole left side mirror disappeared! -_-

Really wanted to go pick it up and keep it for memory! Heheh... But in the heat of frustration and exasperation, I didn't.. Also cos it was right in the middle of a 4-way cross junction.. So not that wise and practical la,..

And just for notes, apparently a pair of Merc side mirrors cost around $1000+ 😱

Ok so enough of the accident.... Actually 1 more thing to add.... The guy who knocked into us handled the whole thing so well.

He showed us to his workshop got it fixed and even offered to send us home. And also picked the hubs up to bring him back to the workshop when car was done... All while still fasting!
I'm ashamed of my rash actions and inpatient gestures right after the accident happened.
Not the 1st time I get off the car shaking head in pek-chekness after someone else makes a mistake.
This time round, once again feel like a rude fellow cos uncle was a very nice man who faced the consequences without too much fuss. 
#lessonlearnt #faithinhumanity #needtopracticecalmness

Oh ok, so back to the target.... Now still short of 5k... God, help me please.......
Please don't give me anymore surprises.. Let all the cases be approved smoothly... Please let the opening on weds get through and make it a closing!
Please guide me to the right words to say and the wisdom to answer her questions..
Please let there be no issues with my persistency...
Please let me be able to mini celebrate on weds when all my cases gets approved and I cross the $58,000 target.

Oh Allah, please please please help me in this last part....... Ameen.....