Friday, January 06, 2017

Don goes for op-- 6th Jan 2017

It's now 7.30am...
We're getting ready while the baby still sleeps...

He has not taken any solids since 12mn.. Last milk feed had to be before 3am... And no water since 6.30am...

Really really hoping he doesn't wake up crying for food or water soon.... 🙏🏻 praying that he can last till they knock him out.... This poor boy can't handle hunger de!! 😅😖

The op is done... He's fully awake now but kinda grouchy.. Generally peaceful but will whine from time to time..

Thank goodness he was crying before the procedure thgh he fasted for more than 6hrs..

Sunday (day2 post op):
You won't even know this boy went for a surgery if you looked at him!!! The way he moves and twists and roll! Like as if no wounds no pain!
This boy knows no fear!

Actually on the day itself, he didn't even need the 2nd dose of painkillers.. But we these kiasi parents still gave la.. Haha..
Rather than he suddenly in great pain then still need to wait for the meds to take effect...

Think the most heart wrenching of this whole surgery is the post op part.
The part when he was just waking up from the GA...

Basically he was just crying and screaming when we first saw him post op...
Eyes closed face red!
Gave him some milk which stopped him from crying awhile then back to crying again..
Inconsolably crying for a good 15mins before he fell asleep..

He was reacting much better after he opened his eyes and saw us..

Oh well, really glad that that part is over! Have to thank God that this dear boy is healing so well now.. Was prepared mentally for a crazier time! Phew~

Hope this smooth recovery carries on and all will be well! Also praying that nothing is wrong with the right testis! Pls let it be of the correct size and condition when we do the follow up on the 25th! 🙏🏻