Last post of 2016
Many thoughts but it's all in a mess and time is ticking towards 2017!
So here goes with whatever that comes to mind...
Actually on a side note, if we all don't put so much emphasis on this last day last day thing, then in reality it's just a new day in a new month isn't it?
Just because it's a new calendar (year) so then all the hype, expectations, resolutions and new hope!
I guess it in some ways most of us need that physical motion of changing a calendar to initiate a change in other aspects of our life too...
Ok, with tt said.... Was suddenly reminded of how 4years ago on this day (perhaps even around this timing? ~10+pm), Mr WP proposed to me infront of a decent sized crowd celebrating the new year in Batam Turi Beach Hotel! 😁
Something that I won't forget! Honestly the most elaborate thing he has ever planned for us! Hahah... Think nothing even matches that to date..
But in terms of drama, Don's birth story definitely beats that proposal hands down! Hahah!
Actually the other day I was just thinking how 'settled' we feel as a married couple that at times we almost take it for granted.
When how not that long ago, we were still at the I-like-you-but-do-you-like-me-? phrase.... 😅
This is one thing I'm super super super grateful for... To be out of that 暗恋, one sided love shit that I had to go through almost my entire teenager life!
Thgh nothing beats the thrill of spotting the dude and having the heart beat a little faster.... I'm more than happy to have my heart beat a little faster at the anger with the hubs instead! Hah!
But seriously, I'm glad those days are over!
Which leads me to things I'm grateful for this year:
• my dear hubs WP
it was indeed a tougher year at work in 2016. You really helped me pull it through once again! Always my pillar of support (thgh this pillar sometimes filled with vulgarities! -_-) when i am weak!
You showed me what an amazing dad you can be. Though we both really have to work on our patience with the monkey!
Thank you for everything my dear! 😘
• our firstborn-- Donovan
though you have been in our lives only for a short 14mths, you have changed it so much! You have taught us both so much about how to handle you and manage each other.
May you stay healthy in this coming year and be always filled with love & happiness.. Can't wait to spend more days filled with laughter with you!
• mummy
Though more than half the time is spent quarrelling or shouting at each other.... deep inside, I'm still grateful that you're able to help us take care of Don.
And yet funnily, the reason behind our 'fights' most of the time is also because of Don! 😓
• clients
really dropped in my service standards this year.. So for those who were more than a little understanding, I'm super grateful for their trust and support in the work that I do!
Must do better in 2017!!!
• boss EY
This year, he has proven to be way more understanding of our circumstances than I ever imagined that he will be.
Many times he allowed us so much free play that now looking back, I can only say "thank you"!
• health
this year's health has been pretty alright. Not plugged with anything major so that's good ya! Though ending the year now with an almighty hacking cough!!! 😷 really hope Donster doesn't get it! Else surgery on Friday will be affected man!
• peace of mind
Mental strength definitely tested many times this year. As always, God's Grace got me through each test.
Never could understand it at tt point and never wanna go through all those lows, but I guess if life is forever on a high, then we won't appreciate it? Yin yang thingy right...
Actually dunno what else in particular....
But the base of it all is, i am really thankful for God's love for me.
Without that, I believe this year would have been even more of a crappier one... Thank You for keeping my family and me safe, healthy and in the company of love ones under a safe roof. I really Love you for your love for us.
Please continue to keep us safe, healthy and happy. Would appreciate it if You can shower us with more wealth too! 😁😆
So at 2300hrs, I'm gonna end my post though I have many more stuff I feel like writing about... Because my choc cake is waiting for me to eat as well as the fact tt I'm coughing my lungs out.
So I wanna just eat the cake, take meds and go sleep! How exciting for New Year's Eve huh!!! Wooooohooo ~ 🎉
HAPPY 2017!!!
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