Wednesday, June 01, 2016


I think I'm in a very bad state now.

I'm soooo tired physically and mentally I'm drained.. I know I have plenty to do but I don't wanna do anything. At all.

I'm plugged with emotions ranging from frustration, anger, confusion, unloved, hurt, sadness............

And when I try to block away all those feelings, I just feel so damn tired.

I'm really not sure if this 'tiredness' is something that some extra snooze time can rectify... I'm hoping it is....

Because I just feel soooo imbalanced emotionally right now... Like I can break down anytime... 

What's worse, the hubs seems to have something else in mind... I dunno if this is just the psycho part of me talking, but I feel that he doesn't love me the same anymore...

We can be in the same room half the night and be silent.. Just so absorbed in our own worlds...

The never-ending conversations we used to had.......... Seems like it HAS ended... 😭

I dunno la..,, I really feel sooooo lost... Am I losing it?!?!! Is it just hormones? Why am I crying? What's wrong with me......... I think maybe I need help..