Don 21-24wks
9th March:
So funny.. Your daddy and I are on a schedule where we each take 2 full days to stay home and take care of you together with yr grandma..
And this is daddy after 1 full day of taking care of you:
U're sooooo wide awake and he's trying to sneak a few more mins of sleep! Hahah... Don Don ah... 😝
17th March:
Mama haven been really diligent in updating because im soooo busy! This week is also a crazy busy one for your papa n I..
We have an award lunch today, tmr is award dinner.. Then sat need to do up the car for uncle Zhi peng's wedding which is on Sunday.. So tts the whole of Sunday which we won't see you... :(
U're really cute these days la...
Always soooo entertained by your daddy's funny faces... You'll laugh until....... 😍
But till now, nothing for mummy... 😭
At most is the sweet smile only... Why don don.. Mummy says the same thing as daddy but not the same response.. :(
Mummy will compensate by squeezing you more and force kissing you! 😁
24th March:
This week you learnt how to hi-five really well!! Gonna teach you how to shake hand and clap hands soon!!
Also brought u down to the pool for the 2nd time in your little young life... This time we went a little step further-- instead of just dipping your feet into the water, I let you sit on the edge and dangle your feet...
U seem indifferent to the whole experience though.. Just acted like your usual outdoor self... The curious big eyes absorbing everything in! Love how you're so attentive to the things ard you....
Mama's gonna try to bring you out more often ok?
This is us in the bus otw to lunch with 1 of mummy's new friend..
12th April:
Mummy has been really busy at work the past few weeks... Realised tt I have barely updated this space
But u did many interesting things recently.. U went swimming a few times.. U had a first taste of cereal.. U celebrated
Mummy's bday for the first time... 😁
And also u went for yr first trial class of right brain training... U ah.. Slept in class towards the end!!! *naughty boy*
Hahah but the sch staff said tt it's normal for u guys to KO after lessons.. But u this fellow KO-ed DURING lesson.. After tt, wide awake... 😕
Also on the 8th, u did your first double flip.. Mummy needs to start preparing le.. Need to take preventive measures so tt u won't fall off the bed!
Anyway mama is at a roadshow working now.. Last time mama did this, u were in my tumtum at a tender age of 3months..
Now u're out n rolling ard still at a tender age of close to 6months.... Really quick how time is flying by!
Loving u always my dear puff ball
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