Saturday, August 08, 2020

Rare moment of peace & quiet

Time check: 4.04pm

Another 11mins of rare peace and quiet time to myself before I need to pick don up from his chinese class.

This past week has been a little busier than usual. Had to handle Rou alone a little more than usual.

Had a little lesser patience towards her than usual.

Now in this state of mind, I feel bad for always be so hard on her. But really leh, this girl knows how to push ALL the WRONG BUTTONS!!!

Like she knows exactly what she can’t touch but she does it. U put her in the playpen hoping she’ll be guai guai in there for a few mins........ hah! Next moment, half the toys from INSIDE the playpen has been thrown OUT! 🤬🤦🏼‍♀️

And have I mentioned how she actually ROARS when she gets very angry.... hahaha.... like really roar u know! Must find a way to record it for memory sake.

Next time can show her! And torture her about it!!!! 😈

Seriously funny when I think back about it.. because I rmb that when I was pregnant with her, I somehow will ‘roar’ when I get really angry too... 😂

And it surprised me back then because I usually don’t do that..

Thank Goodness it’s not my 本性! What an awful expression! Hahah... hope this girl will become sweeter as she grows older la...

But I can really feel my life was shorten at least by half a month because of her and her craziness....

God, please grant me more patience.... PLENTY MORE PLEASE!

You know, I’m really worried that as this pregnancy progresses, I may suddenly burst a vessel because of either kid then get stroke.

Like seriously worried not kidding worried.

Been catching myself at extreme moments to take a second to take deep breaths!

Dear God, please protect me and baby throughout this pregnancy. Please keep both of us safe & healthy! Ameen.....

Ok time’s up. My freedom and quiet is over.. pick up time!