23rd bday
Firstly thanks for all the birthday greetings!! Came in all types of styles! So interesting..
Presents were great too..
Haven had the mood or time to take pictures of all of them..But below is just one of it..
Had to take it before it loses its beauty!

Anyway bad mood now leh..Think it's time of the month so no mood to do anything. Sianz....
k, let's update about The Day.. wow, it's going to be a week since i turned 23!! hmmm...You know what, i always felt that im waaaayyy older than that! With all the aches and pains, feel like a bloody 70+ grandma man!
Anyway, so last thurs started off as a typical work day.. Went about doing biz till about 7+pm then had to rush home cos mummy dearie cooked a whole army's worth of food to celebrate. No, make that food enough for the army AND navy!! Perhaps also enough for 1/3 of the airforce!! Anyhoos, sweet of her to do that so have to rush home eat lor.. But hungry so didnt have chance to take pix of the spread.
Was too full after that even for the cake. Furthermore cos reached home late, everything started late. Plus some friends were waiting for me to go to St.James!! So all was in a rush. Did a change of clothes then was out again to meet them... My first first of 23!!! Go home late then still can go out after 10pm!!!!! Like usually i'll be questioned to death by my dad so i dun even need to bother trying to go out after 9pm! Unless it's to go downstairs of which he'll already ask tons..
So anyway, chiong all the way to St James cos we didnt intend to stay till late cos of work the next day.. And quite meaningless to reach ard 11pm and leave at 12am mah..
When got there, wanted to go Boiler Room which plays R&B and more of the recent popular English music. Wanted to try something different from Dragonfly (chinese music). But from far saw a crowd of people outside Boiler.. Thought some event was going on..like a launch or something. And we were told that there was a private function going on.. Felt funny cos there were alot of females around.. Later found out that it was a Lesbian Night! Cool or not?!?! Whole place booked leh!!! Amazing..jo were u there? hehhe.. jk jk!
Was upset cos cldnt get in so we went to Bellini instead. Plays jazz and blues.. Didnt want slow stuff actually but didnt mind...
To start off with, there werent many people around. Nothing unusual for a week night.. Few tables here n there. Once settled, found out that tHe singer on stage was cute. =) Funnily he walked over to our table after the set and talked to us!! Another first... This is of cos not counting the times where i already KNOW the singer la...
But fed up lah, cos he stood by the side of the table which means i was blocked by timo, cldnt really hear him above the music! Here and there caught abit of the conversation la but being the super deaf me, sort of lost interest after awhile. His accent sooo strong somemore! bleh~
Then dunno how, i was dragged into the convo. and he was informed that it was my bday! die... It's never good to let the singer know that. Unless u want to be pulled on stage or something!! And that was what exactly happened much later in the night!
Worse thing was that i wasnt high enough to not feel embarassed by the whole situation!!hahah.. he actually walked over to me and manly offered his hand and guided me up to stage.
-_- but inside was feeling ^_^
hahha..first time mah.. At least to my best memory it's the first la.
So there he was singing me a bday song and guiding me to dance along and twirl but all the time i was wishing it wld finish up quickly cos when we did that, it was already 12am! So officially, it was no longer my bday!!! dumb right..hahha..
Furthermore danced like a frozen banana..so stiff cos was damn shy la..Ang mo leh..u guys already know i have a weakness for them right..then plus whole place looking at ME somemore!!! Yah, i know i have superstar background. But i ermm ermm... Erm, i wasnt prepared?? =p
Eventually that ended with a kiss on the hand and i was spared misery..returning to the comforts of my seat. Where he carried on the rest of the set. Another surprising thing was how he still remembered my name though the time frm when we first talked till the song was quite awhile!I mean i forgot his name the second he said it! But cos there was a poster of him outside, i rmber.. see! Told u my memory got problem le!
Oh so as i was saying, after the bday song, he then went on singing another song (which not surprisingly i cant remember the title), inserting my name here and there and all over the song!!! ANother FIRST!!! I mean someone singing a song to you and using your name somemore leh!!!! Not any tom,dick,harry BUT someone who CAN sing leh!!
Cool anot!?!? At first didnt realise, cos was talking to my friend then timo was like 'eh eh, he used yr name in the song leh!' Then i looked up and listened carefully and he winked! *all together now* Ahhhhh. . . .
it was love and first sight! hahaha....rubbish rubbish!! sprouting nonesense le...
I carried on being super pai say cos throughout the whole song he kept winking la, smiling la, came over to the table and held my hand la.. And u know jazz songs la, it's all abt those describe how nice the eyes are the hair is... ya da ya da.. Really sweet to be on the receiving end of hearing people sing such songs to you. But kinda weird when u have no feelings for the person? What i mean is that if i actually liked the person who was singing it to me, then the song would mean a whole lot more ya.. sighzz..
Anyhoos, after that set he came over and wished me happy birthday again..This time surprised me by giving me a kiss. *blush*
Silly timo asked after if the kiss was prickly... -_- duh. . .
Then after it was timo's turn to get high cos he dream girl jessesea (yup,the one frm spore idol) went on stage. That dude was practically drooling into his lap la! Kept staring and staring. By then we were the only people left, so more or less it became like a private function! hehhe..Cool u know..
The WHOLE band playing JUST FOR U! woohoo..hahha.. Then jeassea came over to the table wished me happy bday.. (Timo by the side wiping up his saliva) And then somehow my friend spilled tim's drink onto the whole table and ME. At which attracting my handsome singer who was standing around to grab some napkins and passed them to me. =)
But tim also enjoyed the happiness cos his dream girl came over to the table after tt and talked to him. I only saw part of it after i came back from the toilet smelling of beer.. eeEww!
Bet that guy was stuttering his name when she asked him!! hehehe... soooo funny to see his 'i-wish-u-were-mine-tonight-jeassea' look!!! whhahah
k, then fastfoward it all.. We left awhile after the whole beer-spilling issue with tim still fantasizing about her. But to give her credit, she's GREAT lah. Nice personality and very pretty too! Great figure.. Left tim begging me to send him the pix i took of him and her..hehhe..
Well, that ended my interesting night of 'first-s'..oh yah, and on our way back while waiting at the traffic light, we saw the van carrying jeassea and my handsome singer who waved cute-ly at ME (im gonna say me cos of the position of the car n van, IM the person he can see most clearly..so there.. hee. . .)
Gosh! What a long entry and i thought i'll finish this blogging in 10mins! haha.. Oh well, till next time then.. I wanna go unite with my bed le.. Oh and to the gang, study hard to those having their papers soon yah!!! Cya all real real soon... =)
Presents were great too..
Haven had the mood or time to take pictures of all of them..But below is just one of it..
Had to take it before it loses its beauty!

Anyway bad mood now leh..Think it's time of the month so no mood to do anything. Sianz....
k, let's update about The Day.. wow, it's going to be a week since i turned 23!! hmmm...You know what, i always felt that im waaaayyy older than that! With all the aches and pains, feel like a bloody 70+ grandma man!
Anyway, so last thurs started off as a typical work day.. Went about doing biz till about 7+pm then had to rush home cos mummy dearie cooked a whole army's worth of food to celebrate. No, make that food enough for the army AND navy!! Perhaps also enough for 1/3 of the airforce!! Anyhoos, sweet of her to do that so have to rush home eat lor.. But hungry so didnt have chance to take pix of the spread.
Was too full after that even for the cake. Furthermore cos reached home late, everything started late. Plus some friends were waiting for me to go to St.James!! So all was in a rush. Did a change of clothes then was out again to meet them... My first first of 23!!! Go home late then still can go out after 10pm!!!!! Like usually i'll be questioned to death by my dad so i dun even need to bother trying to go out after 9pm! Unless it's to go downstairs of which he'll already ask tons..
So anyway, chiong all the way to St James cos we didnt intend to stay till late cos of work the next day.. And quite meaningless to reach ard 11pm and leave at 12am mah..
When got there, wanted to go Boiler Room which plays R&B and more of the recent popular English music. Wanted to try something different from Dragonfly (chinese music). But from far saw a crowd of people outside Boiler.. Thought some event was going on..like a launch or something. And we were told that there was a private function going on.. Felt funny cos there were alot of females around.. Later found out that it was a Lesbian Night! Cool or not?!?! Whole place booked leh!!! Amazing..jo were u there? hehhe.. jk jk!
Was upset cos cldnt get in so we went to Bellini instead. Plays jazz and blues.. Didnt want slow stuff actually but didnt mind...
To start off with, there werent many people around. Nothing unusual for a week night.. Few tables here n there. Once settled, found out that tHe singer on stage was cute. =) Funnily he walked over to our table after the set and talked to us!! Another first... This is of cos not counting the times where i already KNOW the singer la...
But fed up lah, cos he stood by the side of the table which means i was blocked by timo, cldnt really hear him above the music! Here and there caught abit of the conversation la but being the super deaf me, sort of lost interest after awhile. His accent sooo strong somemore! bleh~
Then dunno how, i was dragged into the convo. and he was informed that it was my bday! die... It's never good to let the singer know that. Unless u want to be pulled on stage or something!! And that was what exactly happened much later in the night!
Worse thing was that i wasnt high enough to not feel embarassed by the whole situation!!hahah.. he actually walked over to me and manly offered his hand and guided me up to stage.
-_- but inside was feeling ^_^
hahha..first time mah.. At least to my best memory it's the first la.
So there he was singing me a bday song and guiding me to dance along and twirl but all the time i was wishing it wld finish up quickly cos when we did that, it was already 12am! So officially, it was no longer my bday!!! dumb right..hahha..
Furthermore danced like a frozen banana..so stiff cos was damn shy la..Ang mo leh..u guys already know i have a weakness for them right..then plus whole place looking at ME somemore!!! Yah, i know i have superstar background. But i ermm ermm... Erm, i wasnt prepared?? =p
Eventually that ended with a kiss on the hand and i was spared misery..returning to the comforts of my seat. Where he carried on the rest of the set. Another surprising thing was how he still remembered my name though the time frm when we first talked till the song was quite awhile!I mean i forgot his name the second he said it! But cos there was a poster of him outside, i rmber.. see! Told u my memory got problem le!
Oh so as i was saying, after the bday song, he then went on singing another song (which not surprisingly i cant remember the title), inserting my name here and there and all over the song!!! ANother FIRST!!! I mean someone singing a song to you and using your name somemore leh!!!! Not any tom,dick,harry BUT someone who CAN sing leh!!
Cool anot!?!? At first didnt realise, cos was talking to my friend then timo was like 'eh eh, he used yr name in the song leh!' Then i looked up and listened carefully and he winked! *all together now* Ahhhhh. . . .
it was love and first sight! hahaha....rubbish rubbish!! sprouting nonesense le...
I carried on being super pai say cos throughout the whole song he kept winking la, smiling la, came over to the table and held my hand la.. And u know jazz songs la, it's all abt those describe how nice the eyes are the hair is... ya da ya da.. Really sweet to be on the receiving end of hearing people sing such songs to you. But kinda weird when u have no feelings for the person? What i mean is that if i actually liked the person who was singing it to me, then the song would mean a whole lot more ya.. sighzz..
Anyhoos, after that set he came over and wished me happy birthday again..This time surprised me by giving me a kiss. *blush*
Silly timo asked after if the kiss was prickly... -_- duh. . .
Then after it was timo's turn to get high cos he dream girl jessesea (yup,the one frm spore idol) went on stage. That dude was practically drooling into his lap la! Kept staring and staring. By then we were the only people left, so more or less it became like a private function! hehhe..Cool u know..
The WHOLE band playing JUST FOR U! woohoo..hahha.. Then jeassea came over to the table wished me happy bday.. (Timo by the side wiping up his saliva) And then somehow my friend spilled tim's drink onto the whole table and ME. At which attracting my handsome singer who was standing around to grab some napkins and passed them to me. =)
But tim also enjoyed the happiness cos his dream girl came over to the table after tt and talked to him. I only saw part of it after i came back from the toilet smelling of beer.. eeEww!
Bet that guy was stuttering his name when she asked him!! hehehe... soooo funny to see his 'i-wish-u-were-mine-tonight-jeassea' look!!! whhahah
k, then fastfoward it all.. We left awhile after the whole beer-spilling issue with tim still fantasizing about her. But to give her credit, she's GREAT lah. Nice personality and very pretty too! Great figure.. Left tim begging me to send him the pix i took of him and her..hehhe..
Well, that ended my interesting night of 'first-s'..oh yah, and on our way back while waiting at the traffic light, we saw the van carrying jeassea and my handsome singer who waved cute-ly at ME (im gonna say me cos of the position of the car n van, IM the person he can see most clearly..so there.. hee. . .)
Gosh! What a long entry and i thought i'll finish this blogging in 10mins! haha.. Oh well, till next time then.. I wanna go unite with my bed le.. Oh and to the gang, study hard to those having their papers soon yah!!! Cya all real real soon... =)
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