Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Weird dream!

I dreamt that my car was broken into! Vivid memory!! Scary.... Here's how it went...

I walked towards my car from the back then saw that the driver's door and the passenger's door behind the driver's one was wide open! Shocked, i wondered if i had forgotten to lock the doors. Getting frantic, i started searching through the items to see if anything was missing cos the whole internal of the car was a mess (tt was not really unusual considering its current state!!hehe ).. No la, but in the dream everything..papers and all my documents were thrown all over the backseat n floor.. =S

Then looked into the coin box that i keep change for car wash or emergency and realised that majority of what i believe is the correct amount was in there. So no money was taken.. Cashcard if i remembered correctly was also there.. So nothing was stolen?!?!?!

What in the world does this dream means man?!?!!! Im soooo freaking worried now! Car broken into yet nothing stolen? Good sign or bad? BEtter go fix that car alarm sooN!! ahhhh....
