Sunday, April 12, 2009

Profound thoughts

I was watching 'The Devil Wears Prada' earlier on (i know,a few years too late). And something about the movie sparked this mess of thoughts that are running through my head now. Im trying to phrase them out in nice sentences but currently it's still pretty messed up.

But it goes something along these lines....

There was this part in the movie towards the end, that Miranda mentioned that she sees a little of herself in Andrea [if i spelt the names wrongly,my bad!]. To which the latter felt that she doesnt wanna to be put under the 'similarity column' with the devil herself. So she turns back on her life, quits the job and find something else.

My issue here is that sometimes when u land in a job 'every girl would die for', there are sacrifices you have to make. Heck, even if you're working a sucky job or with an ass of a boss (like i do), we all make sacrifices!

Sometimes we become the evil person we don't want to be just because it comes with the job. Some wise people once mentioned that in the working society, the most successful person is the one who knows how to act the best. As much as i hate that sentence, i agree. Perhaps not fully, but there is truth in there.

And so we all act. We become the very people we term as 'bad people' when we were kids, watching those scheming tv dramas with plently office politics. As much as you hate to be that person, you fall prey to it and its benefits.

You resist, and you'll be the target of the boss or a superior.

With the skill of acting (among others), you start to climb The Ladder of Success. Through which u start to learn how to make decisions,push for your rights, make a stand, be demanding... And then sometimes add a touch of bad temper, you become the boss from hell.

As much as we hate them, those same traits made them the successful people they have made out of themselves. We always feel or believe that we can do a better job if given the chance. But how many of us really can?

So we hate them but like the lifestyle they're having. With all that money. Flashy cars and blinky jewellery. Yes yes, the idea that life can still be great without all an idea put into our heads by the people who cldnt have those as well.
Without is good, but wouldnt having it be even better!?!?? If today someone gives you 1 million dollars without any strings attached, you wouldnt take meh? I grab and run loh!, i'll say thank you first before running.

My point is (at this point,im even more confused what im getting at. Bare with me.. haa. . ) mmmmm,what im trying to get at is that as we get older, we tend to lose a little of ourself that we envisioned ourselves to be when we were younger. Are you the astronaut or doctor or lawyer that you wanted to be?

We face reality (hate that word!) and in that process may end up becoming the monster we all never wanted to be. And so That Monster could be the one putting money into your wallets for recess or buying those shiny CLKs (you lucky bastards!) . But that Monster made sacrifices. Sacrifices that may not look like they are to the common eye until they see if from the angle of the Monster himself.

And yet sometimes not all can be brave enough to step up to the role. So we turn away and lead our simple lives, which we convince ourselves is much better.

p.s. All the 'we' above can/shld be changed to 'i'
p.p.s These are the messed up profound thoughts (hah!) that i have to struggle with every day! Someone save me from myself!!