Friday, February 23, 2007

back from the dead

I cant believe it!!!

Chinese new year is here....and GONE!!! Or at least the super shiok looong weekend public holiday is oVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*shakes head*

But it sure was fun while it lasted! =D

Sometimes, a break from be it work or study can really do more wonders for the mind n body than one would imagine!

Oh, realised that i seldom blog anymore too! You know why!?>!?

shhh..come closer...i tell u.....

i found this website that has like TONS(!!) of movies and practically evERYTHING on it! N's NOT youtube! Some of the movies are sooOOOooo damn 'new' that it's still in the cinema now man!

So that's where ive been for the past few weeks! shhhhhh.... Trying to watch every single damn show in the database before tt site gets banned! hhehe.. Gosh...It's like movie world heaven i tell u!! Soooooo shiok! But mostly catching up on the 'old' shows tt ive missed. Which are like PLENTY!

Making slow but good progress. Which results in undone work. Cos every single freaking time i turn on my laptop, i'll end up watching some show! It's uber cool though! hehe..

Bye for now..1 more movie b4 i zzZZzz