Sunday, August 06, 2006

Phuket trip (1)

Im baCk! Back from my short little trip to phuket. More tired and broke than before! Not to mention heavier too!! All thanks to the many late-night eating.

Hmph~ To think i would return a more recharged person. Anyway have tons of photos to share!! And it's really TONS!!! Because basically there wasnt really much to do there. Plus there were quite a few great scenic sites we went to. (think i'll split the trip photos into a few entries!)

Let's start from the night before the trip...We had a company dinner followed by a short ktv session. Didnt take any pix of the dinner cos we had seafood and was tooooo hungry to bother taking pix. So here are some of the photos frm the ktv instead.

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me caught them unprepared! *grinz*

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ready. 1,2, 3

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girl power!

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me and da jie aka angel 1 (livia).. Didnt take pix with er jie tt night. But plenty in the trip cos she was my room mate.



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opps..this is the night before..Me half-packed suitcase! Cant believe i didnt start packing till the night before!

This is a photo i have been waiting sooOOOoooOO long to take!!!

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The departure board WITH the flight that im actually gonna take! hhehe.. MI 754

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Before checking in..

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blur blur photo of one before the departure gate..Boss is in the centre. Will post up clearer one when i get it..

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pix of the plane that i DIDNT take. =D

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this IS the tail section of the plane i took. hehe...but because of the position of the plane, wasnt able to capture the whole plane..

Sua ku me decided to take pix of how land looks like from waaYYYy up there! Aka God's view of things! hehe..

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i like the lake.. =)

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think this is part of Singapore island...If im not wrong...mmmm.....

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airoplane food...hmm..some chicken thingy.. First time i could actually EAT the food! Was always air-sick the previous times.

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blurry pix of me and my room mate for the 4days 3 nights trip (2 nights to be exact *grinz*)

That's all for now. The rest of the 1hr30mins flight was spent staring out the window looking at the clouds, snoozing a little, eating, reading my story book, more staring out of the window admiring God's work and playing suduko on the Today paper.

More photos to come.. Stay tuned for more pix of the place after we landed...

(p.s. There are more blurry photos to come. We believe it's 'them' making it blurry and not our lousy photo-taking skills. )